What is KLIFE?
KLIFE is a non-profit youth ministry that’s sole focus is discipleship. KLIFE works with kids from Searcy and neighboring communities starting in the 5th grade and going all the way through the 12th grade. Through a variety of activities, KLIFE kids grow in their faith and have lots of fun in the process. They learn that following Christ and discovering His plan for their life is the most exciting adventure of all and that they can count on friendship and support from leaders and peers who genuinely care.
We point students to Jesus so they can know Him, love Him, walk in surrender to Him and be equipped to point others to Him also.
For every 10 Christians who step foot on a college campus, only 2 walk-off still professing to believe in Jesus. This is a statistic that doesn't sit well with us. Teenagers are walking onto college campuses ill-prepared to defend their faith. The overwhelming common denominator is that for the 2 out of 10, someone intentionally invested in them during their teenage years; someone like a KLIFE small group leader.
KLIFE has monthly events where students from different schools and grades can play games and competitions, make new friends, and grow in their faith. Klub is a great introduction to KLIFE and includes worship and a biblical teaching. All students from 5th-12th grade are welcome to join!
Janett Crain Pickleball Tournament
Come and join us for our second annual pickleball tournament.