Child Protection Plan

Here at KLIFE we hold your child’s safety in the highest importance, which is why we have adopted and adapted the comprehensive Child Protection Plan from Kanakuk Kamps. This plan includes background checks and exhaustive interviews with potential staff members, extensive training on KLIFE’s policies and guidelines for leaders and full-time staff, supervision, multiple reporting systems, and more. Read below to see more about each aspect of our plan.


Application – All potential staff and small group leaders fill out an extensive ten page application that describes past work history, references, personality strengths, character, spiritual beliefs and ministry experience.

Interview - All potential staff and small group leaders go through and exhaustive interview with one of our trained staff who ask each applicant in-depth questions regarding family history, social involvement, spiritual growth, moral beliefs, and coaching abilities. Our interviewers have been professional trained and review Child Protection Plan content and interview guidelines each year at our January conference in order to give them increased skills in screening an applicant who might endanger a child.

References/Back Ground Checks – Each applicant is required to submit three written personal references before being considered for a position. Also, each potential staff member is processed through multiple official background checks including the National Criminal Background Database, the National Sex Offender Registry, and the National Identity Confirmation.

Selection Process – Due to our high standards KLIFE is extremely selective in our staff selection process as well as who we allow to lead our chapter’ small groups. Our National Support Center work with each local Board of Directors to hire full time staff who have a passion, spiritual maturity, love for kids and commitment to KLIFE’s vision and mission. These staff members, in turn, use the same standards to select small group leaders who minister directly to students in the community.

Contract – All staff sign a contract agreeing to follow KLIFE’s policies and procedures throughout the duration of their employment.



Full Time Staff – All of our full time staff receive extensive training in the following areas:

1)   Risk Management

2)   Safety Policies & Procedures

3)   Zero Tolerance Regarding Abuse

4)   Comprehensive Sexual Abuse Awareness & Prevention

5)   Proper conduct

          Staff to Student conduct

          Specific policies regarding modesty and on-on-one meetings

          Specific guidelines on communicating with students

          Reporting guidelines

          Facilities Management and Safety


Small Group Leaders – All of our small group leaders are trained in following areas:

1)   Safety Policies & Procedures

2)   Zero Tolerance Regarding Abuse

3)   Comprehensive Sexual Abuse Awareness Prevention

4)   Proper Conduct

          Code of Conduct

          Specific policies regarding modesty and one-on-one meetings

          Specific guidelines on communicating with students

          Reporting guidelines

          Facilities Management and Safety



Each year parents entrust in KLIFE’s care over 12,000 precious children. KLIFE takes this responsibility very seriously. KLIFE has taken great care to create programs, training and processes that have been designed to safeguard your child during their time at KLIFE. Unfortunately accidents happen and illnesses can strike but it is our commitment to you that we will exercise every foreseeable precaution to minimize these risks.


If you have further questions about the details of KLIFE’s Child Protection Program please let us know by call 417.266.3500 or emailing us at